The electric crossbar is a crucial element in the power infrastructure, meticulously designed as an angle iron component. It is strategically positioned laterally atop the electric pole, serving as an indispensable segment in the structural integrity and functionality of the pole.
1. Functions and Uses
Support wire: The robust cross-loader serves pivotal roles in installing insulators and metal tools, providing steadfast support for both wires and lightning protection wires. It ensures compliance with safety standards by maintaining a rigorously defined safe distance.
Installation equipment: The crossbar is adept in the installation of essential line equipment, such as switching equipment and lightning arresters, ensuring the seamless operation and safety of the power network.
2. Type and Structure
Type: Cross-load types are meticulously categorized based on their functional demands and stress conditions into straight-load, tension-load, and corner-load variants. The straight cross-body primarily manages the vertical and horizontal loads of the wire, while the tension-resistant cross-body additionally handles the tension differential in the wire. The corner cross-body adeptly manages substantial single-sided wire tension.
Structure: Typically constructed from durable metal, such as angle steel, for exceptional support, crossbars are sometimes crafted from or treated with specialized materials. This includes fiberglass crossbars, renowned for their excellent dielectric properties, high mechanical strength, and superior corrosion resistance.
III. Installation and Maintenance
Installation position: The crossbar is conventionally installed 300mm from the pole’s peak. The straight cross-bar is situated on the power receiving side, while those for the angle rod, terminal rod, and branch rod are strategically placed on the pull-bar side.
Installation method: Ensuring a secure and reliable setup, the crossbar can be affixed to the pole via bolt connection or welding. Installation methods are versatile, tailored to the specific type of pole and line requirements.
Maintenance: To ensure optimal performance, regular inspections and maintenance of the crossbar are essential. Any signs of corrosion, deformation, or damage call for prompt replacement or repair to maintain safety and efficacy.
4. Characteristics and Advantages
Good support: Engineered to endure substantial weight and tension, the cross-load provides a stable and secure support platform for a myriad of power lines, enhancing the resilience of the power infrastructure.
Various installation methods: With adaptability at its core, the crossbar offers a range of installation methods, making it compatible with diverse types of telephone poles and fulfilling varied line requirements.
Certain insulation performance: While not primarily an insulating component, the crossbar can offer auxiliary insulation benefits in specific scenarios, contributing to the overall safety of the power system.