The electric crossbar, a robust angle iron component, is meticulously affixed laterally atop the electric pole, serving as an indispensable part that upholds the integrity and functionality of the pole structure.
1. Functions and Uses
Support Wire: The cross-loader is ingeniously designed to install insulators and metal tools, effectively supporting wires and lightning protection wires. It ensures a regulated safe distance is maintained as per stringent safety regulations.
Installation Equipment: Beyond just supporting wires, the crossbar ingeniously accommodates a variety of line equipment like switching devices and lightning arresters, ensuring seamless integration and functionality.
2. Type and Structure
Type: Tailored to specific purposes and stress conditions, cross-loads are expertly categorized into straight-load, tension-load, and corner-load. The straight cross-body adeptly handles the vertical and horizontal wire loads; tension-resistant variants additionally manage wire tension discrepancies, while corner cross-bodies gracefully manage significant single-sided wire tension.
Structure: Crossbars are crafted from high-strength metal materials like angle steel, offering exceptional support. Some variants, such as fiberglass crossbars, boast outstanding dielectric properties, superior mechanical strength, and formidable corrosion resistance due to specialized materials and treatments.
III. Installation and Maintenance
Installation Position: Typically positioned 300mm from the pole's apex, the straight cross-bar is strategically installed on the power receiving side. For angle rods, terminal rods, and branch rods, cross-bars are installed on the pull-bar side, ensuring optimal alignment and support.
Installation Method: Crossbars can securely attach to telephone poles via bolt connections or welding, ensuring rock-solid installation reliability. Diverse installation methods cater to varying pole types and line requirements, offering unparalleled versatility.
Maintenance: Periodic inspection and maintenance ensure the crossbar remains in peak condition. Prompt replacement or repair is necessary if any corrosion, deformation, or damage is detected, safeguarding the crossbar's longevity and performance.
4. Characteristics and Advantages
Exceptional Support: The cross-load is engineered to endure significant weight and tension, providing a steadfast support platform for diverse power line configurations.
Diverse Installation Methods: With its flexible installation options, the crossbar seamlessly adapts to various telephone pole types and line requirements, enhancing its functional applicability.
Auxiliary Insulation: While not primarily an insulating component, the crossbar occasionally contributes ancillary insulation benefits, augmenting its functional versatility.