The electric crossbar serves as a vital angle iron component, strategically positioned laterally atop the electric pole, playing a pivotal role as a key element of the pole's infrastructure.
1. Functions and Uses
Support Wire: Our cross-loader is ingeniously engineered to accommodate insulators and metal tools, effectively supporting wires and lightning protection wires. It ensures adherence to safety regulations by maintaining a standardized safe distance.
Installation Equipment: The crossbar is a versatile instrument utilized for installing an array of line equipment, encompassing switching apparatuses and lightning arresters, thereby enhancing operational efficiency.
2. Type and Structure
Type: Tailored for diverse purposes and stress conditions, cross-loaders are categorized into straight-load, tension-load, and corner-load varieties. Straight cross-bodies manage vertical and horizontal wire loads; tension-resistant models additionally counterbalance wire tension differences; and corner cross-bodies address significant single-sided wire tension effectively.
Structure: These crossbars are crafted from robust metal materials like angle steel, offering exemplary support. Some variants utilize specialized materials, such as fiberglass, renowned for their superior dielectric properties, heightened mechanical strength, and impressive corrosion resistance.
III. Installation and Maintenance
Installation Position: Typically positioned 300mm from the rod's summit, the straight cross-bar should be installed on the power-receiving side, while angle, terminal, and branch rod crossbars are optimally located on the pull-bar side.
Installation Method: Ensuring a robust and dependable installation, the crossbar can be affixed to telephone poles via bolted connections, welding, etc. Depending on pole type and line specifications, various installation methods are employed to ensure optimal fitting.
Maintenance: Routine inspection and maintenance are crucial to guarantee the crossbar's optimal condition. Prompt replacement or repair is essential if corrosion, deformation, or damage is detected, ensuring longevity and reliability.
4. Characteristics and Advantages
Exceptional Support: The cross-load exhibits impressive capacity, adeptly managing substantial weight and tension, thus establishing a secure and steadfast support platform for diverse power lines.
Versatile Installation Methods: Our crossbar offers a range of installation techniques, enabling it to seamlessly adapt to various telephone pole configurations and line requirements.
Enhanced Insulation Performance: While not primarily an insulating component, the crossbar can occasionally provide auxiliary insulation support, contributing to overall safety.